17-18 Effective sales managers help members of their sales force feel confident, strong, and capable of fulfilling their duties

17-18 Effective sales managers help members of their sales force feel confident, strong, and capable of fulfilling their duties

January 13, 2022

17-18 Effective sales managers help members of their sales force feel confident, strong, and capable of fulfilling their duties. Describe the factors and qualities that contribute to the effective leadership style of these sales managers.

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Chapter 17, End of Chapter, MyMarketingLab, Exercise 17-18
Page 370
Here is a tip:
Sales managers are the employees of an organization responsible for managing a team of salespeople to increase the profits of the organization.

Verified Answer
The factors that contribute to the effective leadership of a sales manager are as follows-

Integrity - A sales manager should possess integrity i.e., he should have some moral principles that may help him to control the sales force.
Moral strength- The sales manager should have good moral strength. Moral strength can help a sales manager to take important decisions in critical situations.
Attitude- A sales manager should possess a positive attitude. He should be confident in his decision. A positive attitude can help a sales manager to manage his team effectively by boosting the morale of the sales team in difficult situations.
The qualities a sales manager should possess are as follows-

Structure- The sales manager following structure quality states the duties and responsibilities of the sales force as well as their duties. These sales managers direct the work of their sales force. These structured sales managers analyze the performance of the salespeople and provide feedback. These sales managers communicate their expectations about the sales target and objectives to the sales team.
Consideration- The sales managers following consideration quality maintains a mutual relationship with the sales staff. This relationship is based on trust, sharing of ideas, and feelings. These sales managers prefer face-to-face communication with the sales team rather than through emails and sales reports. These managers treat the salesperson as an individual and reward the good performance of the sales team.

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