19-17 Of the five global product and communications strategies, which best describes L’Oréal’s approach?

19-17 Of the five global product and communications strategies, which best describes L’Oréal’s approach?

January 14, 2022

19-17 Of the five global product and communications strategies, which best describes L’Oréal’s approach?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Chapter 19, End of Chapter, Questions for Discussion, Exercise 19-17
Page 571
Brand L uses a product adaptation approach. It also adapts brand positioning to meet the international expectations. The products are customized according to the needs of specific areas. For example- A hair care line was developed to solve the problem of women living in Country B. The products were developed to address the problems that were caused due to humid climate. Similarly, a new generation BB cream was launched after studying the conditions and skin color in Country U.

Verified Answer
Brand L adopts a product adaptation approach in order to meet the diversified needs of people living in different areas. The research is conducted in order to study the problems faced by people living in different areas and then changes are made in the product.

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