20-4 What is environmental sustainability? How should companies gauge their progress toward achieving it? (AACSB: Communication)

20-4 What is environmental sustainability? How should companies gauge their progress toward achieving it? (AACSB: Communication)

January 14, 2022

20-4 What is environmental sustainability? How should companies gauge their progress toward achieving it? (AACSB: Communication)

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Chapter 20, End of Chapter, Discussion Questions, Exercise 20-4
Page 597
Here is a tip:
Environmental sustainability is the process of responsible interaction with the environment to avoid depletion and degradation of natural resources.

Environment sustainability is the approach of working wherein the companies generate profits while helping to save the environment. Companies take this action to contribute to the environment and enhance their public image.

To gauge their progress towards achieving environmental sustainability companies adopt the following measures:

Preventing pollution: Companies can prevent pollution for a greener environment by eliminating or reducing waste before it is created.
Product stewardship: It is not only about minimizing the pollution but also about minimizing the environmental impact throughout its life cycle.
New clean technology: Companies can internally plan for new clean technology by developing new sets of environmental skills and capabilities.
Sustainability vision: This serves as a guide to the future by developing a strategic framework for creating sustainable value.
Verified Answer
Environment sustainability is the management approach wherein the companies work in a way such that the environment is secured and ends up earning a profit.

Companies move towards achieving environmental sustainability with the help of the following:

Preventing pollution
Product stewardship
New clean technology
Sustainability vision

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