5. William hears a voice inside his head that urges him to steal money and lab

5. William hears a voice inside his head that urges him to steal money and lab

July 11, 2022

5. William hears a voice inside his head that urges him to steal money and lab equipment from a medical research center. William is most likely experiencing ______, which are a ______ symptom of schizophrenia. a. hallucinations; positive b. delusions; positive c. hallucinations; negative d. delusions; negative

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

a is correct
Hallucinations are psychological disturbances in which a person sees or hears things that do not exist. Hallucinations are positive symptoms because they express additional abnormal behavior.

b is incorrect
Delusions are distorted beliefs that do not match reality. Delusions are positive symptoms of schizophrenia. An example of a delusion would be a person believing that they are someone powerful like an emperor or king when they are not.

c is incorrect
Hallucinations are not negative symptoms. Negative symptoms refer to the absence of normal behavior, such as a lack of facial expressions or empathy.

d is incorrect
Delusions are distorted beliefs that do not match reality. An example would be believing that one's mind is being controlled by aliens. Delusions are not negative symptoms. Negative symptoms refer to the absence of normal behavior such as a lack of facial expressions or empathy.

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