___ List of conditions for which a drug is meant to be used

___ List of conditions for which a drug is meant to be used

September 3, 2023

Match the definition with the term.

___ List of conditions for which a drug is meant to be used

a. Contraindications

b. Precautions

c. Indications

d. Prototype

e. Actions

f. Classifications

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert


Lim, H., He, D., Qiu, Y., Krawczuk, P., Sun, X., & Xie, L. (2019). Rational discovery of dual-indication multi-target PDE/Kinase inhibitor for precision anti-cancer therapy using structural systems pharmacology. PLoS computational biology, 15(6), e1006619.

Tagaya, H. (2010). Methylphenidate: pharmacology, indication and potential of abuse. Nihon rinsho. Japanese journal of clinical medicine, 68(8), 1550-1555.


As it refers to the list of medical conditions or diseases under which drugs are used. Common indications are allergic rhinitis, mild of Parkinsonism, mild skin allergies and motion sickness. Indication is therefore used to provide to the use of the medication for the treatment of a specific disorder. For instance, Diabetes is an indicator of insulin.

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