a. How effective was the in-depth round for the working member?

a. How effective was the in-depth round for the working member?

October 16, 2021

View again video 14.1. Ask yourself the following:

a. How effective was the in-depth round for the working member?

View again video 14.1. Ask yourself the following:

b. How did the round help to engage the other members?

View again video 14.1. Ask yourself the following:

c. Why did the leader go to the members for comments and then come back to Lauren?

View again video 14.1. Ask yourself the following:

d. Why did the leader focus on the topic of forgiveness with the other members?

View again video 14.1. Ask yourself the following:

e. Did the use of props help? If so, how?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert


Significant changes in technology over the past decade are having a profound impact on recruiting strategies, with staffing professionals increasingly using social networking sites to source, contact and screen both active and passive job candidates. In addition to a focus on social networking's impact on the staffing process, this article provides an overview of the most common and effective tools and techniques employers use to screen and evaluate potential job candidates. Specifically, the article will cover issues and best practices related to the development of a comprehensive employment application, resume management, telephone and video screening, interview techniques, pre-employment testing, eligibility verification, and background investigations, as well as the legal implications of using such screening tools.

In-depth interviewing is usually done at the beginning of a major research project, when you will be studying a population that you have never researched before. In-depth interviews - also called "semi-structured interviews", or "informal interviews" - are very different from survey interviews. They are much more similar to journalistic interviews. Some of the differences between survey interviewing and in-depth interviewing are:

A survey usually has at least 100 interviews, but with informal research, 20 respondents is often enough.
A survey has a fixed questionnaire. All the respondents are asked the same questions (except those skipped), in the same order.
But with in-depth interviewing, there are no specific questions. Instead of beginning with "Which of the following statements..." an informal interviewer might say "Can you tell me about a time when you..."
With in-depth interviewing, there is no specific order. The respondent may jump from one subject to another. The interviewer has a list of things to be discovered, but the wording and sequence of the "questions" depend on the "answers" the respondent gives.
Instead of using a fully random sample, in-depth interviews are usually done with people who are deliberately chosen to be as different as possible from each other.
The reason for these differences between survey interviewing and in-depth interviewing is that their purposes are different. Unlike survey interviewing, in-depth interviewing does not claim to obtain results that can be generalized to a whole population. You normally use in-depth interviewing for collecting background information, so that when you write a questionnaire, you will be able to use questions and wording that are more relevant to the population being studied.

A union helps workers unite with the purpose of advancing their common interests in respect to benefits, wages and other working conditions. Today, unions grant workers the same liberating power a long, hard-earned history has accounted them for.For those in the industrial sector, organized labor unions fought for better wages, reasonable hours and safer working conditions. The labor movement led efforts to stop child labor, give health benefits and provide aid to workers who were injured or retired.

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