According to Kellogg, the final stage in children’s drawings is the ________ stage.

According to Kellogg, the final stage in children’s drawings is the ________ stage.

May 2, 2022

According to Kellogg, the final stage in children’s drawings is the ________ stage.

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Children express their artistic abilities for the first time by scribbling. However, scribbles are likely to be meaningless. From scribbles to making a meaningful picture, children go through four different stages. The first stage is placement, followed by shape, design, and the pictorial stage.

In the first stage, children scribble in random places on a page or sheet, which further advances to the better placement of scribbles. During the second stage, children learn to draw various shapes like squares, rectangles, circles, and triangles. When they reach the design stage, they make use of various shapes to make designs. The final pictorial stage is marked by meaningful pictures, where children make use of the skills earned in previous stages.

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