After watching a video in class or movie at home, try to write a treatment plan based on the problems presented.

After watching a video in class or movie at home, try to write a treatment plan based on the problems presented.

May 9, 2022

After watching a video in class or movie at home, try to write a treatment plan based on the problems presented.

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

I've chosen this film because it tackles about depression. Mental illnesses are prevalent nowadays because of the pandemic. It has taken a toll of our mental health. Conrad's situation is different since he lost his brother from an accident which resulted to his suicide and self-blaming.

The movie "Ordinary People" is a psychological drama that tackles about the idea of what it means to suffer mental disorders. It also talks about family, stress coping, mood changes, and therapy. It centers about the story of Conrad Jareth, the child of Calvin and Beth Jareth. Conrad blames himself from the death of his only brother, Buck. After his death, he find it difficult to continue life anymore and he is full of suicidal ideation. He believes that it is him who should've died from that boat accident.

The treatment plan for Conrad's depression:

Diagnosis: Major Depressive Disorder,

Parent-Child Relationship Problem

Physical examination — mental ilnesses are sometimes linked to an underlying physical health problems.
Psychotherapy or psychiatric evaluation. The psychiatrist will ask about Conrad's thoughts, feelings, and behavior.
Medication, taking antidepressants Prescribe SSRI such as Prozac or Celexa
Social support is needed— strong connection from parents and peers.
Exercise— being active can change the mood and increases serotonin level.
Have a healthy diet — it will ease symptoms and improve mood.

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