all of the following are matching pairs except; neutrophil – phagosytosis inflamation- beneficial to the host cell inflamation-damaging to the host cell cytokine- antimicrobial chemical skin-first line of defense

all of the following are matching pairs except; neutrophil – phagosytosis inflamation- beneficial to the host cell inflamation-damaging to the host cell cytokine- antimicrobial chemical skin-first line of defense

November 27, 2020

all of the following are matching pairs except; neutrophil – phagosytosis inflamation- beneficial to the host cell inflamation-damaging to the host cell cytokine- antimicrobial chemical skin-first line of defense

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert


cytokine- antimicrobial chemical


Neutrophils are abundant in the blood, quickly enter tissues and have a role in phagocytosis of pathogens
inflamation- beneficial to the host cell - because it helps in the healing process
inflamation-damaging to the host cell - inflammation can also cause tissue damage
skin-first line of defense - due to hard dead cells that cover it

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