As more firms entertain the option of developing reverse logistics supply chains, explain the financial implications they should consider.

As more firms entertain the option of developing reverse logistics supply chains, explain the financial implications they should consider.

January 12, 2022

As more firms entertain the option of developing reverse logistics supply chains, explain the financial implications they should consider.

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Chapter 15, End of Chapter, Discussion Questions , Exercise 3
Page 614
Here is a tip:
Reverse logistic is when the product reaches seller or manufacturer from customers.

Financial consequences of reverse logistics that a firm must consider are as follows:

Expensive process: The reverse logistic supply chains are comparatively costlier to handle and acquire than forward flow.
Affect sale of new products: If a manufacturing firm starts remanufacturing, the remanufactured products may affect the sales of the latest products.
Advantage to the competitors: The competitors may remanufacture the products and directly sale them in the market, while the firm is involved in the reversal of supply chain.
Loss of opportunity cost: While the firm is availing the reverse supply chain, they might lose the opportunity cost to manufacture new products or remanufacture the products.
Verified Answer
Financial impacts that a firm must consider:

Expensive process
Affect sale of new products
Advantage to the competitors
Loss of opportunity cost
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