Assume you are Sanchez or Hudson and plan to implement immediate organizational change within the practice. Where would you start? What steps would you take?

Assume you are Sanchez or Hudson and plan to implement immediate organizational change within the practice. Where would you start? What steps would you take?

September 7, 2021

Assume you are Sanchez or Hudson and plan to implement immediate organizational change within the practice. Where would you start? What steps would you take?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

The appreciative inquiry is an objective-based approach towards embracing change that determines the necessary direction that an organization should take to achieve its intended results. The appreciative inquiry is a suitable framework for organizations that are strongly oriented with values and goals.

The appreciative inquiry starts with the Discovery step, which involves the assessment of the organization's current condition as well as its strengths and weaknesses.
The next step is the Dream step, and this involves the determination of a set goal or direction that the company will strive to achieve in the next few months or years.
The third step is the Design step that requires leaders or executives to develop a plan that will help transform the current conditions and help achieve the identified goals and objectives.
The last step involves the Destiny step, which focuses on sustaining the efforts made by leaders and executives to continue the movement of the organization towards its desired direction.
Sample Response
Implementing organizational change needs to start from the assessment and understanding of the company's current position and its underlying problems.

The steps that the company needs to take are the following:

Assess the current gaps in the vision, mission, and culture of the company.
Develop a corrective plan that will realign the company's performance towards its intended direction.
Implement the necessary changes through the initiatives and exemplary actions of the company's executives.
Maintain and strengthen the company's culture that provides the necessary results.

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