Bridge Carrier

Bridge Carrier

May 5, 2021

Why shouldn’t claims be filed with a bridge carrier?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

A claim filed with a bridge carrier will be valid only to the extent that the loss/damage/delay took place while the goods were in that carrier's hands; joint and several liability is not invoked by the filing of a claim with a bridge carrier (Barrett, 2003, pp. 76-77) .


Under the Carmack Amendment, claim for loss or damage to an interlined shipment may be filed against either the originating carrier or the carrier responsible in making the final delivery. Claims should generally not be filed against "bridge" carriers - those which neither originated nor delivered the shipment, but merely handled it between intermediate points (Barrett, 2003, p. 76).
With respect to railroads, the delivering carrier is considered the last carrier that performed line-haul transportation of the shipment. That is, carriers performing only a switching service at the destination are not considered delivering carriers (Barrett, 2003, p. 76).

Barrett, C. (2003). Manager's Guide to Freight Loss and Damage Claims. Loft Press.

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