Case 9.2: A Leader Under Fire

Case 9.2: A Leader Under Fire

September 3, 2023

Case 9.2: A Leader Under Fire
(The sixth edition of this book includes a case study outlining Greg Mortenson’s creation of the Central Asia Institute and highlighting his authentic leadership qualities in more detail. For an additional perspective on Mortenson, you can access the original case study at By 2011, there were few people who had never heard of Greg Mortenson. He was the subject of two best-selling books, Three Cups of Tea (2006, with David O. Relin) and Stones Into Schools (2009), both of which tell the story of how the former emergency trauma room nurse became a hero who built schools in rural areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

1. Would you describe Greg Mortenson as an authentic leader? Explain your answer.
2. In the chapter, we discussed moral reasoning and transparency as components of authentic leadership. Do you think Greg Mortenson exhibited these components as part his leadership?
3. How was Greg Mortenson’s response to the allegations against him characteristic of an authentic leader?
4. How did the outcome of the investigation affect the authenticity of Greg Mortenson’s leadership?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

The leadership of Individual B includes the following attributes:

Individual B is aware of the contents that may be shared with the public as well as the right actions that have to be performed.
Individual B may influence many other females across the country about Disease C and addiction. The awareness helped various females to be empowered and talk about the issues openly.
Individual B's working style is transparent and clear. Individual B openly talks about their suffering and what steps they took to fight against the social issues.

The leadership of Individual B may be described as authentic considering the following aspects:

Individual B has shared details about their struggle with Disease C's treatment and addiction with the public. Individual B's purpose was to spread awareness about Disease C.
Individual B shares information regarding health issues with integrity and shows strong leadership values. Individual B's leadership values are constant to bring about a change in the society.
Individual B has established an excellent relationship with the female public and is determined to bring about change regarding equal opportunity. The individual talks openly about the societal issues and encourages females to be more empowered.
Individual B has used the position of being the first lady to stand for good causes. Many females are inspired by Individual B's openness about the treatment of Disease C and addiction. Individual B tries to remain strict with their mission.
Individual B has been compassionate and able to establish an institute that has helped many individuals and their families struggling with addiction. The institute has been working for the equal rights of females and making females more powerful and respectful in the society.
Sample Response
Individual B's leadership includes the following attributes:

Individual B has self-knowledge and self-concept.
Individual B has influenced other females by creating awareness about Disease C and drug overdose.
Individual B shows transparency in their work.

Individual B's leadership may be considered authentic as:

Individual B has a purpose to spread awareness based on personal experiences.
Individual B has strong intrapersonal values in terms of talking about societal issues.
Individual B has established relationships with others in terms of making females aware of Disease C, drug overdose, and alcoholism.
Individual B is self-disciplined in terms of promoting intra-personal values to the society.
Individual B is compassionate about bringing a change in the society and attaining equal rights for females.

Individual B has shared their struggles with Disease C and addiction openly with the public. This shows that Individual B is brave and transparent about societal issues and wants to bring a positive change in the society. The public has learned from Individual B's story. Individual B has developed leadership after sharing their struggles and weaknesses. Individual B has also communicated the intention of helping those who are suffering from similar diseases or addiction by establishing a nonprofit organization.

Sample Response
The situations in the life of Individual B have attracted support from the public. The situations have helped to portray Individual B as an optimistic, confident, passionate, helpful, and transparent leader who has the desire to bring about a change in the society.

Evidence supporting the argument that Individual B's leadership may be moral is as follows:

Individual B is open to talking about her personal problem to empower others to follow those steps and be free.
Individual B's leadership is all about morality since Individual B has raised concerns regarding the injustices faced by women.
Evidence supporting the argument that Individual B's leadership may not be moral is as follows:

Individual B is open to sharing personal experiences, but does not dig dip in the society to help the women.
Individual B is a strong personality. So, keeping the personal thing won't be an issue while for other women it may be problematic.
Individual B's leadership is to serve the people as follows:

Individual B is of the view that women receive unequal pay and their rights are often violated. The individual has fought for making equal rights for women in every aspect of society.
Individual B is not afraid of sharing personal struggles with cancer and addiction. Individual B has done so to motivate others and to help other women overcome tough situations with courage and talk about it openly.

Sample Response
The two sides of the argument are as follows:

Individual B's leadership may be moral.
Individual B's leadership may not be moral.
Individual B's leadership is all about making a difference by helping people as follows:

Individual B has done so by fighting for women's rights and lifting the shame from diseases such as cancer.
The individual also helps the women to talk about the addiction and helps to overcome it.

Here is a tip:
Integrity is the act of being honest and of adhering consistently and faithfully to good moral and ethical standards and values.

Individual B may be considered to showcase honesty and self awareness as follows:

Individual B has shared personal stories of cancer and addiction and feelings during the treatment of cancer and addiction, which is private, and not every individual feels comfortable sharing the low times in life.
Individual B also reflects the core values that inspire others. Individual B is aware of the empowering nature of influencing thousands of women that is helping society to grow. Thus, the quality shows the individual is an effective authentic leader.
Verified Answer
Individual B depicts the attributes of being self aware and transparent as follows:

Individual B is transparent and honest in sharing the struggles of cancer and addiction.
Individual B is self-aware since Individual B understands the impact they have on others.

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