Chimpanzees (are/are not) capable of creating new tools by modifying objects and combining objects.

Chimpanzees (are/are not) capable of creating new tools by modifying objects and combining objects.

July 1, 2021

Chimpanzees (are/are not) capable of creating new tools by modifying objects and combining objects.

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

"Are" is correct
"Are not" is incorrect
Certain primates have the ability to understand, produce, and modify various objects and tools by learning from their environment.

In the forest areas, animals use tree sticks for various purposes such as scratching their backs or hitting fruits on trees. Primates carve other materials such as stones to derive food from hard substances such as nuts. Some primates have also been found to be able to use multiple different types of objects to make a particular tool for specific purposes that show higher level of cognitive abilities required for creating new tools.

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