Classify the statement below as positive or normative. The Federal Reserve should reduce the rate of money growth.

Classify the statement below as positive or normative. The Federal Reserve should reduce the rate of money growth.

September 3, 2023
An economy’s production of two goods is efficient if

a. all members of society consume equal portions of the goods.
b. the goods are produced using only some of society’s available resources.
c. it is impossible to produce more of one good without producing less of the other.
d. the opportunity cost of producing more of one good is zero.

A production possibilities frontier can shift outward if

a. government increases the amount of money in the economy.
b. there is a technological improvement.
c. resources are shifted from the production of one good to the production of the other good.
d. the economy abandons inefficient production methods in favor of efficient production methods.

Shoes: 800, 600, 400, 200, 0
Socks: 0, 400, 700, 900, 1000

Which of the following statements is correct?

a. The opportunity cost of an additional 200 shoes is constant at 200 socks.
b. The opportunity cost of an additional 200 shoes is constant at 300 socks.
c. Footville’s production possibilities frontier is a straight, downward-sloping line.
d. The opportunity cost of an additional 200 shoes increases as more shoes are produced.


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