Consider the example that described the responsibilities

Consider the example that described the responsibilities

March 8, 2022

Consider the example that described the responsibilities of a property owner, an architect, and a contractor when creating a new building. Create a similar analogy for a high school reunion project where there is the reunion committee, a professional event planner, and a hotel event vendor that would manage the actual event.

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

The reunion committee should monitor all event-related activities. Reunion committee will help in planning the reunion by making a list of people and then calling them for reunion on a particular date. Additionally, the reunion committee should understand all the requirements of the reunion very clearly.

The event planners will plan the proper execution of the event. They will do the decorations, arrange gifts, and decide food and beverages. Consequently, the event planner will communicate with the hotel event vendor for the implementation of the plan.

The hotel event vendor will manage the event, ensure proper servicing, and allot a nice place for the event.

In this way, the reunion committee will manage the reunion with the help of the professional event planner and the hotel event vendor.

Sample Response
For the reunion event, certain specific tasks that should be done by reunion committee, professional event planner, and hotel event vendor are as follows:

Reunion committee: Develop the reunion plan, understand the requirements, and schedule the reunion.
Professional event planner: Responsibility of decorations, ensure arrangements for entertainment, and confirmation of every aspect of the event.
Hotel event vendor: Allocate the space for the event, provide proper service to customers, and ensure the availability of food and drinks.

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