Define a branch circuit. ________

Define a branch circuit. ________

September 3, 2023

Note: For the following problems, you may refer to the NEC to obtain the answers. To help you find these answers, references to Code sections are included after some of the problems. These references are not given in later reviews, where it is assumed that you are becoming familiar with the Code.

Define a branch circuit. ________

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Here is a tip:
A branch is a small portion of the whole electrical wiring.

A branch circuit is a closed circuit that is a small part of the whole wiring system and contains a set of outlets and its protective devices such as fuses, breakers, and earth fault protection.
The total electrical wiring system contains a number of branch circuits.
Verified Answer
A branch circuit is a part of an electric wiring system from one particular set of outlets to its protective equipment.

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