Describe three common conditions that can result in hypokalemia. What are common signs and symptoms of hypokalemia? Hyperkalemia?

Describe three common conditions that can result in hypokalemia. What are common signs and symptoms of hypokalemia? Hyperkalemia?

January 8, 2021

Describe three common conditions that can result in hypokalemia. What are common signs and symptoms of hypokalemia? Hyperkalemia?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Here is a tip:
Acid-base balance regulates the potassium concentration in the extracellular and intracellular fluids.
In the blood serum, the normal potassium levels are in the range of 3.5 and 5.0 mmol/L [millimole per liter]. When the electrolyte potassium levels fall below 3.0, it is referred to as hypokalemia, and when it exceeds 5.5 mmol/L, it is referred to as hyperkalemia.
In hypokalemia, diuretics cause excessive urination, leading to potassium loss, and the aldosterone [sodium and water retaining hormone] hormone present in licorice and tobacco induces reduced reabsorption of potassium from the renal tubules [tubular part of nephrons, concerned with the absorption and secretion of various substances from or into the blood]. Consequently, this results in increased potassium expulsion into urine and refeeding syndrome, in which potassium in a child receiving a supplementary diet moves into the intracellular fluid from the extracellular fluid [resulting in reduced concentration of potassium ions in plasma], thereby supporting enhanced metabolism.
In the case of failure of the body's renal system, potassium is not adequately excreted out, causing hyperkalemia. It can be caused by excessive use of aldosterone; intracellular to extracellular fluid movement of potassium ions owing to the lysis of erythrocytes, white blood cells, and platelets; or when potassium is not transferred across the cell membrane because of increased blood sugar levels. It also results from acidosis, wherein there is an expulsion of hydrogen ions to treat acidosis with potassium retention.
Potassium ions aid in neurotransmission and contraction of muscles. Potassium deficiency [hypokalemia] causes diminished tendon reflexes, weakening of muscles, altered respiration rate, and altered cardiac rhythm, which can lead to cardiac arrest if left untreated.
In hyperkalemia, the symptoms are similar, along with lost muscle strength, tickling or burning sensation in the extremities [paraesthesia], and cardiac arrhythmia [condition of irregular heartbeat], leading to cardiac arrest in severe situations. Muscle weakness, paralysis, and arrhythmia in which irregular heart rhythm is observed are the major symptoms associated with hyperkalemia.
Verified Answer
Hypokalemia [condition of low potassium level in blood serum] occurs because of potassium insufficiency in the diet, loop diuretic usage, and extra-renal means of potassium loss through the gastrointestinal tract. Improper potassium expulsion during acute renal injury or chronic renal disorder is a major cause of hyperkalemia [condition of high potassium level in blood serum].
Lost muscle strength, decreased tendon responses, and alterations in the heart rhythm are the identifiable features of hypokalemia. Hyperkalemia also shows these symptoms along with abnormal skin sensation and body paralysis.

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