Discuss the following questions: Why are rules important as a means of control? What are the advantages and disadvantages of having many rules (hierarchical control

Discuss the following questions: Why are rules important as a means of control? What are the advantages and disadvantages of having many rules (hierarchical control

January 2, 2022

Create a Group Control System

Discuss the following questions: Why are rules important as a means of control? What are the advantages and disadvantages of having many rules (hierarchical control) versus few rules (decentralized control) for a student group? How can statistics help a group ensure appropriate behavior and a high-quality product?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

The rules provide the guidelines about when, why, and how to perform the work to achieve the desired objectives. It is a technique used to govern the people's performances in a group. The rules are important because rules provide the members some predictable patterns to follow with ease. The rules provide a proper direction to accomplish the desired tasks. The rules make the members more committed to their work. The rules also help the members to put in their best efforts to accomplish the tasks.

The benefits of hierarchical control against decentralized control are as follows:

Hierarchical control provides a set process and rules that help the group in smooth functioning, whereas in decentralized control the process and rules are made at the time of operations, this creates a hurdle in smooth functioning. When rules are clear the operations take place without any interruptions. When there are not enough rules operations are carried out in different ways as per preference of each member.
Hierarchical control includes proper delegation of authority that helps in proper communication in the organization as everyone knows a chain of command. However, decentralized control includes flexible delegation and works upon the expert power that might lead to confusion in authority.

The limitations of hierarchical control over decentralized control are as follows:

Hierarchical control focuses on providing extrinsic rewards to the employees that include pays and benefits, whereas decentralized control includes extrinsic rewards such as salary and intrinsic rewards such as growth and opportunities. Consequently, it work as the motivation factor to the employees. So, decentralized control is considered more beneficial in the case of providing rewards and motivating employees.
Hierarchical control has inflexible and rigid culture, whereas decentralized control emphasizes adaptive culture and provides flexibility to the employees regarding works and culture. So, decentralized control flexibility helps the employees to work comfortably and effectively.

Statistics helps to maintain a track record of member behavior related to their past and present performances. This helps to ensure that the members are maintaining appropriate behavior. It shows the improvements in the behavior of the members over time-related to punctuality, completeness of targets, participation nature, and expressing their opinions in a meeting or discussion. Statistics ensures that quality work is performed by the members by tracking the improvements and accomplishments and also the steps necessary to take actions.

Sample Response
The rules are a significant tool to control because it makes the group members accountable for the course of actions and maintains consistency in the work.

The benefits of hierarchical control against decentralized control are as follows:

Hierarchical control defines process and rules with clarity, whereas in decentralized control the rules are not clearly defined.
Hierarchical includes proper delegation of authority, whereas decentralized includes flexible delegation.

The limitations of hierarchical control over decentralized control are as follows:

Hierarchical control provides only extrinsic rewards, whereas decentralized control includes both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards.
Hierarchical control has inflexible culture, whereas decentralized control provides flexibility in the culture.

The statistics provide valuable feedback about the group behavior and help to maintain good quality outcomes. Statistics provide a track record of the student's behavior and help in making the right decisions based on the behavior trends that have taken place previously. Based on the statistics, the predictions of the future can be made and appropriate actions can be taken prior to avoid consequences. It also helps in maintaining the quality based on prior experiences.

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