Discuss the importance of quality in Orpheus’s operations

Discuss the importance of quality in Orpheus’s operations

March 13, 2022

Orchestrating Outcomes

Discuss the importance of quality in Orpheus’s operations in terms of competition, productivity, and costs.

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Quality plays an important role in the mentioned aspects as follows:

Competition: Orchestra O is seen as a unique group that is observed to play without a conductor instructing the band. The musicians evaluate their piece of music by selecting team leaders and rectifying the mistakes spotted by them. The musicians are also observed to deliver the best quality by rigorous practice and eliminating the majority of mistakes. This helps the group to achieve competitive advantage over others.
Productivity: A team of leaders is chosen to look after the performance of the group. The team decides the way music will be played in front of the audience. The team members evaluate their co-members' performance and suggest improvements. The final piece of music is first presented to a couple of members of the team who evaluate and suggest improvements from the audiences' point of view. This whole process of checking quality results in the utmost productivity of the team.
Costs: The quality of Orchestra O is very high as the audience is observed to appreciate the music of the group. The musicians are highly satisfied with the freedom and work they are given. A high-quality performance reduces the chances of disappointing the audience and also this way, the cost spent on advertising and customer redressal is reduced as the consumers are happy.
Sample Response
Quality is crucial in the following aspects:

Competition: The group is able to attain competitive advantage as the group is observed to evaluate the mistakes very seriously and eliminate the them through rigorous practice.
Productivity: In order to deliver music with utmost productivity, a piece of music is checked at various levels before its final presentation to the audience.
Costs: The audience is observed to be influenced and impressed with the way the group performs. The musicians are also observed to be satisfied. All this increases the quality of the music presented and decreases the changes of faults being identified by the audience and the cost incurred.

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