Do you think that sex or violence on television influences how promiscuous or violent our society becomes?

Do you think that sex or violence on television influences how promiscuous or violent our society becomes?

September 16, 2021

Do you think that sex or violence on television influences how promiscuous or violent our society becomes? Do the sexual stereotypes paraded before us in commercials and advertisements shape our attitudes toward gender relations? What do you think can be done about this?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

I have answered the question thoroughly by discussing how television can affect society's perception about sex and violence. In addition to that, I also discussed how commercials can lead to gender stereotypes and what we can do to solve and eradicate these problems. The explanation is already included in the "answer" section in order to guide you in understanding the concept better.

Due to rapid advancements in technology, mass media have attained a huge platform that can reach a wide range of people. Television comprises a lot of shows and advertisements that are accessible to a lot of viewers. Varying topics are conveyed by television which includes sensitive issues about sexual relationships and violence.

With that being said, I think that the different television shows extremely influence our society's attitude about sex and violence. It is because there are plenty of shows that are centered on sexual immorality and violence that are being made available for the public to watch. Since the media industry is all about making money, they tend to catch the attention and interests of viewers by portraying controversial and unethical concepts. People tend to watch shows where the story revolves around infidelity, cheating, and sexual immorality. In addition to that, people, in general, are also fond of watching brutal shows that comprise multiple forms of violence. As a result, these negative consequences can be applied by the audience and they will have an idea on committing the same issues that they watch on television. Because of this, the concept of sexual promiscuity and violence will tend to be normalized because people think that these are acceptable since the televisions show it. People tend to regard that it is okay to cheat or to act violently towards other people because of the influence of what they are watching. Commercials and advertisements also shape the public's attitude about gender relations through stereotyping. It is because commercials can portray a certain gender and generalize them as inferior and weak individuals. This stereotype can largely influence children and teach them a toxic definition of how they should act. Through stereotyping in commercials, girls can be expected to act in a way that generalizes them to be feminine and girly, while boys can be influenced to act tough all the time and to not reveal and show any sign of weakness which can lead to the concept of toxic masculinity. Gender stereotypes can also influence the audience that men are superior to women which leads to unequal treatment of both genders. This can potentially lead to a patriarchal society that challenges and undermines the capability of women. Both genders may have a difficult relationship because stereotypes might create a conflict between men and women and can lead to division in our society. Therefore, it is extremely necessary for people to do something about the mainstream promiscuity, violence and stereotypes to be eradicated. The best thing that can be done to solve these issues is by being responsible viewers. People be responsible enough to educate themselves and be aware of what is right and what is wrong. We should build a sense of awareness about the concepts that we should incorporate in our daily lives. Viewers need to filter what they watch and clearly evaluate issues of sexual immorality and violence based on moral standards. This means that people should not apply what they watch and use it only as a means of entertainment rather than using it as a basis for their lifestyle. Parents need to educate their children about what they watch on television and ensure that they are learning valuable lessons from the shows that they are patronizing. In addition to that, people should make sure that they are watching appropriate and worthy shows that emulate moral values that would increase their sense of responsibility. Through this action, everyone can utilize television for the better and contribute to making a peaceful and safer society.

The influence of sex and violence on television, as well as gender stereotypes in commercials, can significantly impact societal attitudes. The prevalence of shows centered on sexual immorality and violence can shape perceptions and normalize such behaviors. The media industry's pursuit of profit often leads to the portrayal of controversial and unethical concepts, influencing viewers to accept or emulate these behaviors. Commercials and advertisements contribute to gender stereotypes, reinforcing toxic definitions of masculinity and femininity.

To address these issues, responsible viewing is crucial. Individuals should educate themselves, discerning between entertainment and real-life values. It is essential to filter content based on moral standards and not let it dictate personal behavior. Parents play a vital role in guiding children's media consumption, ensuring they derive valuable lessons from shows. Choosing appropriate and morally sound content fosters a sense of responsibility, contributing to a more peaceful and equitable society. Ultimately, fostering awareness and promoting responsible viewing habits can counteract the negative influences of media on societal attitudes.

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