Explain how the result in Question 3 might change if the U.S. Electronics form contained any of the following provisions:

Explain how the result in Question 3 might change if the U.S. Electronics form contained any of the following provisions:

June 7, 2021

Explain how the result in Question 3 might change if the U.S. Electronics form contained any of the following provisions:

“The seller’s acceptance of the purchase order to which this acknowledgment responds is expressly made conditional on the buyer’s assent to any or different terms contained in this acknowledgment.”

Explain how the result in Question 3 might change if the U.S. Electronics form contained any of the following provisions:

“The seller’s acceptance of the purchase order is subject to the terms and conditions on the face and reverse side hereof and which the buyer accepts by accepting the goods described herein.”

Explain how the result in Question 3 might change if the U.S. Electronics form contained any of the following provisions:

“The seller’s terms govern this agreementโ€”this acknowledgment merely constitutes a counteroffer.”

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert


As the dealer explicitly stated that the offer from the customer will be accepted by the dealer only when the customer accepts the changed terms of the dealer, there can be no contract between both the parties. This will be the case until and unless the customer gives the acceptance of the changed terms of the dealer.

Verified Answer

There will be no contract between Company B (customer) and Company E (dealer).

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