Explain why an HIV infection can lead to wasting as the disease progresses

Explain why an HIV infection can lead to wasting as the disease progresses

April 7, 2022

Three years ago, Alan Stratton, a 37-year-old financial planner, sought medical help when he began feeling run-down and developed a painful white fungal infection over his mouth and tongue. The presence of thrush, recent weight loss, and anemia alerted Mr. Stratton’s physician to the possibility of an HIV infection. When Mr. Stratton tested positive for HIV, he and his family and friends were devastated by the news, but those close to him have remained supportive. During the three years since Mr. Stratton began antiretroviral drug therapy, he has maintained his weight but has also developed lipodystrophy and hypertriglyceridemia. Mr. Stratton is 6 feet tall and currently weighs 185 pounds. He is occasionally anorexic and sometimes develops diarrhea.

Explain why an HIV infection can lead to wasting as the disease progresses to the later stages. What recommendations may be helpful for maintaining weight and health if wasting becomes a problem?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Here is a tip:
Unwanted and involuntary loss of more than 10 percent of initial weight along with diarrhea or weakness and fever is known as AIDS wasting syndrome.

The medications that are used to suppress HIV infection and respiratory disorders like pneumonia and tuberculosis have associated symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, appetite loss, malabsorption, and altered metabolism. Chronic illness can cause depression and eating disorders. Drug-food interaction is a vital cause of malnutrition.

Weight loss can be controlled by regular physical exercise, which increases metabolism and appetite. Appetite-stimulating medications such as dronabinol help to control anorexia that causes difficulty in food intake. Hormonal treatment with ghrelin, which promotes appetite, can also be helpful. Protein supplements play an important role when it comes to maintaining weight in a diseased condition. Human growth hormone and testosterone hormone, combined with resistant training, can help to maintain body weight by increasing muscle strength.

Verified Answer
Certain medications are administered to treat HIV infections and the secondary symptoms associated with them. Consumption of drugs to treat infections often interferes with food intake because of nausea and leads to anorexia, nutrient malabsorption, altered metabolism, and eventually weight loss in patients with HIV infection.

Anabolic hormones, appetite stimulants, and regular physical exercise can be used to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle in such cases.

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