Figure 17.9 shows a stingless fly that mimics a stinging wasp.

Figure 17.9 shows a stingless fly that mimics a stinging wasp.

May 1, 2022

Figure 17.9 shows a stingless fly that mimics a stinging wasp. Researchers have found that in such mimicry systems, mimics benefit most when they are rare relative to the well-protected model. Can you explain why?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Here is a tip:
The physical characteristics of mimics deceive predators into thinking that the mimics are harmful.

If the mimics have a larger population compared to the species they mimic, other species in the community will interact more with the mimic. Thus, the characteristics associated with their common physical structure is not associated with the species being mimicked, but rather the mimic itself. This reduces the protection afforded to the mimic because they do not have characteristics that deter predation.

For example, in the case of the stingless fly and the stinging wasp, the predators avoid the stingless fly because its yellow coloration is associated with the venom of the stinging wasp.

If the stingless fly has a large population, its increased species interactions with other species in the community result in the association of the yellow coloration with harmless characteristics. Hence, predators will still attack the stingless fly.

Verified Answer
Mimics are protected from predation because the species they mimic have characteristics that deter predation. Without the association between the physical appearance and the deterrent characteristics, the mimics will be prone to predation.

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