Firms such as Walmart, General Electric, Chase Manhattan, and Boeing have a lot of influence in their respective supply chains because of the power they have.

Firms such as Walmart, General Electric, Chase Manhattan, and Boeing have a lot of influence in their respective supply chains because of the power they have.

January 12, 2022

Firms such as Walmart, General Electric, Chase Manhattan, and Boeing have a lot of influence in their respective supply chains because of the power they have. Explain how firms with a lot of power can influence supply chain integration.

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Chapter 14, End of Chapter, Discussion Questions , Exercise 4
Page 588
Here is a tip:
Integration refers to the process of involvement of the parties for the complete the requirement of a product.

The given reasons influence process of the supply chain integration:

Large operational processes help the companies to impose greater control over the supply chain process.
Higher purchasing power allows the companies to influence the process by creating a situation where suppliers are economically dependent on the buyers.
The companies can save more money by possibly bargaining with the suppliers.
The companies having power can ensure long-term supply availability for the suppliers' operations.
Customer satisfaction is important to the companies. The main alliances of a company to provides the supply efficiently and quickly.
Verified Answer
The process of the supply chain integration gets influenced by the power of the companies because of the following reasons:

Large operational processes
High purchasing power
High bargaining power
Long-term relations with suppliers
High customer range and alliances
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