How can OB knowledge and tools help me effectively manage change and stress?

How can OB knowledge and tools help me effectively manage change and stress?

July 26, 2022

How can OB knowledge and tools help me effectively manage change and stress?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

The two techniques for stress management are as follows:

Stress reduction technique includes relaxation of muscles, biofeedback, meditation, and holistic wellness.
Technique A cognitive restructuring helps a person to overcome stress and includes making a plan about the problem by being optimistic.
Change can be managed effectively if one would adhere to the following steps:

Setting goals that are based on realistic principles. Such goals will help both employees and the company to see the aspect of change positively.
The changes should involve the senior leader of the company as well as make the employees understand why the changes are being made.
The last step involves that all the management practices in the organization will range according to the needs that help a person to manage the change.
Sample Response
To manage stress, the following techniques can be adopted by a person:

Stress reduction helps a person to effectively reduce stress by identifying causes.
Technique A of stress management helps a person to reduce stress based on cognitive restructuring.
To manage an effective change, the following techniques can be adopted by a person:

Realistic goals helps a person to accept the change easily as the endpoint is identified.
The involvement and commitment of the senior leader will help a person to understand the change from an experienced individual.
Performance management practices will help a person to analyze the need for the change.

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