How do high-quality leader–member exchange relationships influence follower behavior?

How do high-quality leader–member exchange relationships influence follower behavior?

September 17, 2021

How do high-quality leader–member exchange relationships influence follower behavior?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert


Mike, j., 2021. The effects of the leader-member exchange relationship on rater accountability: A conceptual approach. [online] Taylor & Francis. Available at: [Accessed 12 September 2021].

Followers are encouraged to engage in high-quality LMX interactions with their boss because participants of these relationships share desirable characteristics such as trust, liking, and a favorable position toward one another. The LMX has the ability to impact how supervisors evaluate subordinates in order to award performance ratings. Because raters tend to appraise ratees who are engaged in high-quality LMX relationships with them, LMX can affect supervisory rater accountability. As a result, as ratees, the subordinates try to build high-quality relationships by using upward influence strategies including ingratiation and self-promotion.The current study looks at how ratees' upward influence behaviors, the LMX connection, and rater accountability are linked.

To effectively exert influence on those in positions of authority, one must employ interpersonal influence strategies. The study of Kipnis, Schmidt, and Wilkinson (1980), which comprised eight persuasion strategies, was the first to categorize them. Kipnis and Schmidt (1988) refined this categorisation to six methods (Higgins, Judge, & Ferris, 2003). These strategies, according to Higgins et al. (2003, p. 91), include:

Assertiveness is defined as the use of force to achieve one's goals. (2) ingratiation: utilizing behaviors to boost the target's like of oneself or to appear nice in order to get what one wants. (3) rationality: making a logical argument in support of one's proposal utilizing evidence and information (4) exchange: making a formal offer to do something for someone else in exchange for them doing what you want. (5) Upward appeals: relying on the chain of command, enlisting the assistance of superiors, etc. (6) coalitions: enlisting the assistance of others to persuade the target individual.

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