How does a nutrition diagnosis differ from a medical diagnosis?

How does a nutrition diagnosis differ from a medical diagnosis?

January 8, 2021

How does a nutrition diagnosis differ from a medical diagnosis?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Here is a tip:
A proper nutrient-rich diet is required to stay healthy.
When a person does not have a proper nutrient-rich diet, certain nutrition-related problems may arise in the body. These problems are detected during nutritional diagnosis. These problems can be treated by providing proper nutrition to the affected person.
In medical diagnosis, the signs and symptoms are considered for the determination of a disease or the distinction of a disease from another. The nature of pathogenicity of a particular disease is also determined in medical diagnosis. The medical conditions are generally treated through medication.
Verified Answer
In nutritional diagnosis, a problem caused by altered nutrition is diagnosed, whereas in medical diagnosis, a disease is diagnosed and differentiated from other diseases.

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