How would the restriction of carbohydrates, fat, or protein impact overall energy metabolism?

How would the restriction of carbohydrates, fat, or protein impact overall energy metabolism?

March 24, 2022

The metabolism of one macronutrient can affect the metabolism of others. This is why it is important that our diets provide not only the right amount of calories, but also the recommended balance of calories. This is clearly reflected in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. But what happens when someone like Anna must limit her in-take of one or more of these important energy sources? How would the restriction of carbohydrates, fat, or protein impact overall energy metabolism?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Carb, fats and protein are the primary source of energy

When you restricted your body from carbohydrates diet. It may lead to different kind of of symptoms or disease like ketosis. As we all know that carbohydrates is the primary source of energy. It can affect your mental , mouth, severe nausea and headache and also affects to your kidney (painful kidney stones)

The serum glucose , insulin and peptide concentration may be affected. This leads to different organ failure as the metabolism disturbed from optimal level.

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