Identify Barcelona’s three-stage process for matching job applicants with its organizational objectives, and explain how each stage reveals the fit between job applicants and the needs of the restaurant.

Identify Barcelona’s three-stage process for matching job applicants with its organizational objectives, and explain how each stage reveals the fit between job applicants and the needs of the restaurant.

June 25, 2021

Identify Barcelona’s three-stage process for matching job applicants with its organizational objectives, and explain how each stage reveals the fit between job applicants and the needs of the restaurant.

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

The following is the explanation of Company B's three-stage interview process:

First stage: In the first stage, the manager of Company B places questions to understand whether the candidates possess the right skills for the job or not.
Second stage: In the second stage, the candidates can get a gist of what is happening on the floor and the expectations of the company.
Third stage: In the third stage, the actual performance of the candidates can be analyzed and the decision for selecting the candidates can be made by the company.
These three stages help to choose the right candidates for a position in Company B.


Work cited:

"Mingyue Guo. (n.d.). Video assignment 11.


Verified Answer
The three-stage recruitment process, adopted by Company B, is as follows:

First stage: The candidates are interviewed by the managers for 20 minutes. Company B's needs can be understood and the candidates' efficiency can be checked.
Second stage: The candidates spend $100 at Company B's restaurant and describe the happenings in detail. The candidates can understand the culture and behavior expected from them.
Third stage: The performance of the candidates is checked on the job. The skills of the candidates are going to be demonstrated in this stage, so it is going to easier to choose if the candidates are suitable for the job.

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