In the family therapy approach, do you see any disadvantages in not meeting with her individually in therapy?

In the family therapy approach, do you see any disadvantages in not meeting with her individually in therapy?

February 14, 2022

Can you see any complications arising from having Ruth both in individual and family therapy at the same time, and if so, what are they? How could you address any potential problems? In the family therapy approach, do you see any disadvantages in not meeting with her individually in therapy?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Any potential problem arising from attending both family and individual therapy can be addressed through counsellors giving those individuals tips on standing up by themselves in cases where they are dealing with anger or other difficult moods. Counsellors can offer people the opportunity to identify factors that contribute to their difficulties. Family therapy is also affected by disadvantages that are it becomes more challenging when one of the family members decides not to participate in the therapy. Once family therapy begins it is very difficult to see family situations and your perceptions may be altered resulting in negative feelings in denial of unhealthy family patterns.

There are no complications when Ruth is attending both a family and individual therapy at the same time since according to research a family member may see a family therapist individually and thus considered a good idea to offer individual therapy to a family member.

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