In this case, as the price of gas increased, consumers bought more, not less. Is this an exception to the law of demand?

In this case, as the price of gas increased, consumers bought more, not less. Is this an exception to the law of demand?

June 29, 2021

Can Gasoline Become an Exception to the Law of Demand?

Suppose war in the Middle East threatened oil supplies, and gasoline prices began rising. Consumers feared future oil shortages, so they rushed to fill up their gas tanks. In this case, as the price of gas increased, consumers bought more, not less. Is this an exception to the law of demand?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

The law of demand establishes the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demand for a good by the consumers. It states that the quantity demand for a good is inversely related to its price. But if the quantity demanded for the good increases/decreases for each possible price, the demand curve shifts to its right/left.

War in the middle east is threatening the smooth supply of gasoline. Due to which people anticipate lesser availability of gasoline in the future.So, due to the change in people's future expectations for gasoline, there is an increase in the quantity demanded at each possible price which shifts the demand curve to its right.

People are buying more gasoline at the increased price because of the increase in the non price determinant , that is,people's fear regarding shortage of gasoline in future. Hence, consumers buying more gasoline at an increased price is not an exception to the law of demand as it is not showing any flaw in the inverse relation of price and quantity demanded for gasoline.

Verified Answer
No, the increase in demand for gasoline due to the fear of fall in the availability of gasoline in the near future is not an exception to the law of demand as the demand has increased due to non price determinant and not due to rise in price of gasoline.

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