Is air resistance or friction a systematic or a random source of error?

Is air resistance or friction a systematic or a random source of error?

March 31, 2022

Is air resistance or friction a systematic or a random source of error? (See Experiment 2 for error descriptions.) Would it cause the period to be larger or smaller than the theoretical value? (Hint: Consider what would happen if the air resistance were much greaterโ€”for example, as though the pendulum were swinging in a liquid.)

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Systematic errors are errors that cannot be removed when observations are averaged. They are determined by an inaccuracy inherited from the system. Frictional forces or air resistance always try to oppose the motion of a mass. These are the external forces that are always acting on the pendulum. Due to them, the velocity of motion decreases and the pendulum takes more time to complete a vibration or oscillation. Hence, its time period is extended.

Verified Answer
Friction or air resistance is a source of systematic error as it always does the same thing to the period of the pendulum.

The friction or air resistance always slows down the object i.e. mass's motion in a pendulum and hence, makes the period of oscillation longer.

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