List and describe the three communities of interest that engage in an organization’s efforts to solve InfoSec problems

List and describe the three communities of interest that engage in an organization’s efforts to solve InfoSec problems

December 31, 2020

List and describe the three communities of interest that engage in an organization’s efforts to solve InfoSec problems. Give two or three examples of who might be in each community.


Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert


The following are the three communities of interest that engaged in the necessity to solve Infosec problems.
The information security (infosec) community - The community help in protecting the important information of an organization hence avoiding threats. examples are the IT professionals and managers whose responsibility is securing the information.
The Information technology community - The community are responsible for supporting the goals of an organization through the provision of IT support services and supplying the business requirements. The examples include the network support personals and database managers.
The general Business community - It is used in communication and determining the objectives and policies of an organization. The examples include the non-IT staffs and the managers.


The following are the three communities of interest that engaged in the necessity to solve Infosec problems.
The information security (infosec) community
The Information technology community
The general Business community

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