Locate the following article that provides suggestions on cross-cultural interviewing

Locate the following article that provides suggestions on cross-cultural interviewing

May 21, 2022

Locate the following article that provides suggestions on cross-cultural interviewing and the difficulties managers can encounter when interviewing applicants of various cultures.

Cross-cultural interviews. (2009). Kwintessential. Available at www.kwintessential.co.uk/cultural-services/articles/cross-cultural-interviews.html

List several types of behavior that could confuse a job interviewer who is not aware of cultural differences.
Conduct a mock interview with a classmate of another culture. How can an expression of your surprise about the candidate’s response to a question say something about your assumptions?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

The actions mentioned below may confuse the interviewer during the interview:

The behavior of over-excitement by the candidate may confuse the interviewer as there is a possibility that in the culture of an individual, showing overexcitement may be considered to be energetic and readily available, while in the culture of the interviewer such an act may be considered to be highly inappropriate.
The behavior of giving no expression by the candidate may confuse the interviewer as the interviewer might not be sure what the candidate is thinking due to such an act.
A candidate giving a simple response in serious situations or funny situations may confuse the interviewer about the personality and attributes possessed by the individual but there is a possibility that giving a simple response in all situations is considered to be a good practice in the culture of the candidate.

If the reaction of the interviewer after receiving the answer from the candidate is not very surprising, then it may be said that the interviewer presumes similar kinds of answers from the candidates. On the other hand, different or very unexpected reactions from the interviewer after listening to the responses of the individuals may tell that the assumption of the individual is quite different from that possessed by the candidate.

Sample Response
The following behaviors may misguide the interviewer:

Over excitement by the candidate.
No expression by the candidate.
A candidate giving a simple response.
If the reaction of the interviewer after receiving the answer from the candidate is simple, then it may be said that the presumptions of the interviewer are similar to that of the candidates.

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