Most vaccine-preventable deaths occur among ________. a. infants b. children c. teenagers d. adults

Most vaccine-preventable deaths occur among ________. a. infants b. children c. teenagers d. adults

February 10, 2022

Most vaccine-preventable deaths occur among ________.
a. infants

b. children

c. teenagers

d. adults

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

d is correct
In the US, approximately 40,00-50,000 adults die annually from infections that can be prevented through vaccination making adults the largest age group prone to vaccine-preventable deaths.

a is incorrect
Although infants have weak, developing immune system, their exposure to pathogens are also limited and hence in general encounter lesser variety of pathogens than older individuals.

b is incorrect
Although many vaccines are recommended in children, risk of vaccine-preventable diseases increases with age.

c is incorrect
Teenagers are not the age group that reported the highest death rate due to vaccine-preventable diseases.

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