Name two advantages to organizations of providing customers with multichannel contact points.

Name two advantages to organizations of providing customers with multichannel contact points.

September 3, 2023

Name two advantages to organizations of providing customers with multichannel contact points.

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

An organization offering customers with multi-channel contact points have the following benefits which can be explained as:

The multiple contact point helps the customers to reach out to service agents through different means such as online and offline methods. These increase customer interactions and ultimately help the company to build a positive point of contact because the customer feels good when customer service agents take responsibility for their problems.
To be able to connect with customer service agents 24/7 using mails, chats, and phone calls makes the customer feel satisfied as they can share their problem online anytime. This help the company in gaining customers' trust and cooperation.
Sample Response
The benefits of companies offering various channels to customers to contact with customer service representatives are:

It helps in giving prompt responses to the customer, which creates a positive image of the company.
It provides 24/7 services to the customers through online websites and helps in satisfying the customers.

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