ON ETHICS: As a CEO leading an acquisition of a foreign firm (think of Anheuser-Busch or Cadbury),

ON ETHICS: As a CEO leading an acquisition of a foreign firm (think of Anheuser-Busch or Cadbury),

September 6, 2021

ON ETHICS: As a CEO leading an acquisition of a foreign firm (think of Anheuser-Busch or Cadbury), you are interviewed by a reporter from the host country. The reporter asks: “A lot of people in our country are mad about this foreign takeover of our iconic company. How would you alleviate their concerns?”

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

REF ; Ozkan, N. (2012). Do CEOs gain more in foreign acquisitions than domestic acquisitions?. Journal of Banking & Finance, 36(4), 1122-1138.

Over the previous ten years, it has been discovered that dozens of K nation enterprises have been taken over by foreign investors. In the majority of cases, stockholders have gained handsomely from the sale. Employees and financial management expressed concerns about their future and the firm's future in the instance of CB company, which was sold to U country's company KF foods. U country's largest was of the opinion that this merger would destabilize the firm and harm future shareholder returns. Since the deal went through, it's safe to assume that the stockholders had no issues. As the CEO of a foreign company, you'll have to meet with a variety of stakeholders and outline what the management has decided to do. You can emphasize your respect for the company's traditions and its ties to the country by omitting non-essential information.

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