Relate the process of abstraction to the way you take notes in a lecture. Why do you not try to transcribe every word uttered by the lecturer?

Relate the process of abstraction to the way you take notes in a lecture. Why do you not try to transcribe every word uttered by the lecturer?

December 2, 2021

Relate the process of abstraction to the way you take notes in a lecture. Why do you not try to transcribe every word uttered by the lecturer? Why don’t you write down just the title of the lecture and stop there? How do you decide, roughly speaking, on the correct amount of detail?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Abstraction is defined as the process where many minute details are overlooked to specify a particular point that is required for the given problem.

In cases like writing notes in a class, can be related to the theory of abstraction. In a class, a particular topic of a particular subject is discussed. While writing notes the main points regarding that topic need to be considered rather than the background information that is being mentioned for reaching the discussed topic. Filtering the main points regarding the discussed topic helps an individual to relate the theory to the practical application.

The decision regarding the filtration of points depends on the topic of discussion.

Sample Response
In relation to the theory of abstraction, notes in a class must contain points that directly relate to the discussed topic rather than the initial, extra information that is delivered for reaching the final topic of discussion.

The consideration of the main points must be based on the given topic of discussion.

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