Suppose a member of your group comments on your looking at your watch. How would you respond?

Suppose a member of your group comments on your looking at your watch. How would you respond?

June 26, 2021

Suppose a member of your group comments on your looking at your watch. How would you respond? As a group leader, do you pay attention to time, and do you allow sufficient time at the end of a session for a summary and integration of what has taken place? What are some techniques that you could employ in this regard?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

I would rather reply to him that it is essential to look at the watch when you have some responsibilities. Paying attention to the time is very important because you have the responsibility to lead a group and everything must be on time in order to achieve the set target in the predetermined time span. A good leader always leaves some extra time towards the end of the session to summarize whatever has been discussed during the session/meeting. The summary of the session/meeting is necessary because humans have limited memory stores that need maintenance rehearsal to keep the information on the conscious level. The simple technique is that a leader should explain everything related to the concept that is to be discussed and then summarizing all things step-wise with the help of visualization, PowerPoint presentation, or board.

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