Suppose a member of your group says that you are not sharing enough of yourself. How would you handle this remark if it were made during the working stage of a group? What factors would you take into consideration?

Suppose a member of your group says that you are not sharing enough of yourself. How would you handle this remark if it were made during the working stage of a group? What factors would you take into consideration?

June 26, 2021

Suppose a member of your group says that you are not sharing enough of yourself. How would you handle this remark if it were made during the working stage of a group? What factors would you take into consideration?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

One of the main factors I would take into account would be the intention of that group member in asking me that question. If he/she asks the question with the mere intention of harming me in the eyes of the other members, I would simply tell him/her that I share enough to do my work to the best of my ability and always for the benefit of the group and the work. In this type of case, the best thing to do is limiting the scope of action of the person you are trying to harm so that this behavior does not continue.

On the other hand, if he/she makes the comment because he/she thinks that the situation is harming the group and our work, I would first analyze my actions and the relevance of sharing things about myself with the rest of the group. Besides, it would also be helpful to ask the other members if they have the same opinion, and if so, I would apologize and try to share more on future occasions. If on the other hand, the other members do not think the same, then I would justify myself to this person by saying that sharing things about myself does not affect the development of the group and that the contributions I make should only be for the benefit of the project, so it is unnecessary to share information beyond that.

One of the main factors I would take into account would be the intention of that group member in asking me that question. If he/she asks the question with the mere intention of harming me in the eyes of the other members, I would simply tell him/her that I share enough to do my work to the best of my ability and always for the benefit of the group and the work.

On the other hand, if he/she makes the comment because he/she thinks that the situation is harming the group and our work, I would first analyze my actions and the relevance of sharing things about myself with the rest of the group.

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