Technician A says that seat belt webbing should be replaced if it is bowed.

Technician A says that seat belt webbing should be replaced if it is bowed.

September 3, 2023

Technician A says that seat belt webbing should be replaced if it is bowed. Technician B says that webbing does not need to be replaced if the color has merely faded due to exposure to the sun. Who is correct?
a. Technician A only
b. Technician B only
c. Both A and B
d. Neither A nor B

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

For the safety awareness is provided where the webbing associates the utmost stress points such as the fold, D-ring or retractor. Completely enlarge the webbing from the retractor. Examine the webbing and change with new assembly. If there is cut or spoiled webbing not working or pulled threads, cut loops at the belt periphery, color loss as a result of exposure to sun or chemical agents or deformed webbing. If the webbing is noticeably faded or bleached, it may have reduced tensile strength. Over time, exposure to sunlight can considerably reduce the strength of your webbing and leave you at risk.

I hope this answer help you.

a. Technician A only

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