Technological advances continuously provide new high-tech options to save lives that add to the price of cars, such as cameras, radar, and airbags

Technological advances continuously provide new high-tech options to save lives that add to the price of cars, such as cameras, radar, and airbags

June 29, 2021

Technological advances continuously provide new high-tech options to save lives that add to the price of cars, such as cameras, radar, and airbags. Air bag advocates say air bags will save lives and the government should require them in all cars. Air bags add an estimated $600 to the cost of a car, compared to about $100 for a set of regular seat belts. Opponents argue that air bags are electronic devices subject to failure and have produced injuries and death. For example, air bags have killed both adults and children whose heads were within the inflation zone at the time of deployment. Opponents therefore believe the government should leave the decision of whether to spend an extra $600 or so for an air bag to the consumer. The role of the government should be limited to providing information on the risks of having versus not having air bags.

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

No explanation needed. That's only my opinion and I hope it will help you.

I think the government should not require it. First, it is expensive. It is better if the additional cost that was supposed to be paid in purchasing air bags can used in buying what is more necessary to a person. Second, air bags are not really safe especially when not used properly. Third, trust in your driver. I know that accident is inevitable but you should believe in your driver.

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