The concept of right livelihood is based on conscious choice, placing money in a secondary position, and work as a vehicle for personal growth

The concept of right livelihood is based on conscious choice, placing money in a secondary position, and work as a vehicle for personal growth

August 24, 2021

The concept of right livelihood is based on conscious choice, placing money in a secondary position, and work as a vehicle for personal growth. Take time to reflect on the past six months and evaluate if right livelihood principles have guided you in your decision-making. If so, discuss the influence of the concept, and if not, evaluate its importance in future decision making.

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Identifying a decision, collecting facts, and evaluating possible resolutions are all steps in the decision-making process. By arranging pertinent facts and identifying options, a step-by-step decision-making approach will assist you in making more careful, reflective decisions.

Good livelihood leads to good decision-making. Making decisions is probably the most critical aspect. It is the most crucial aspect of the planning process.

The concept of 'right livelihood' is not new. It represents the idea that everybody should engage in an ethical profession that respects others and the natural world. It entails taking full responsibility for the repercussions of our decisions and only using a proportionate share of the earth's resources.


Morin, L. A. (1999). Reflections on teaching law as a right livelihood: Cultivating ethics, professionalism, and commitment to public service from the inside out. Tulsa LJ, 35, 227.

Roulac, S. E. (1999). Being Right-in Speech, Action, and Livelihood-in Property Involvements. In Ethics in Real Estate (pp. 3-37). Springer, Boston, MA.

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