The inclusion of a disruptive technology in a firm’s supply chain puts pressure on supply chain integration and has implications for how the four core processes are managed

The inclusion of a disruptive technology in a firm’s supply chain puts pressure on supply chain integration and has implications for how the four core processes are managed

January 12, 2022

The inclusion of a disruptive technology in a firm’s supply chain puts pressure on supply chain integration and has implications for how the four core processes are managed. Explain how additive manufacturing affects each core process. Which competitive priorities does it support?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Chapter 14, End of Chapter, Discussion Questions , Exercise 2
Page 588
Here is a tip:
Disruptive technology neither increases output nor maintains supply chain.

The following are the processes of the supply chain:

Integration refers to the process of involvement of the parties for the complete requirement of the product.
Operation supply chain needs proper utilization of the available resources for better output.
The supply chain process depends on the purchasing of goods and services in order to run the process.
Distribution is the main part of supply chain. Supply chain is the movement of goods form one place to another.
The adoption of disruptive technology is going to disrupt these core processes. Disruptive technology is not going to enhance the quality and quantity of the process. It is rather going to kill time and result in a delay in the operations. Delay in operations is going to lead to a delay in production and distribution.

Verified Answer
The four core processes are:

The effects of the inclusion of disruptive technology on the four core processes are:

If any disruptive technology is included, it neither increases the output nor maintains a firm's supply chain.
A firm's operations are not going to be performed in a timely manner.
It is going to take more time to recover from its jolt to adopt disruptive technology.
Disturbance in operations is going to impact both purchasing and distribution.
The priority is to support financing research and remove unnecessary regulatory burden.

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