To explore the techniques for recrystallizing solids. Recrystallization

To explore the techniques for recrystallizing solids. Recrystallization

April 16, 2022

To explore the techniques for recrystallizing solids.


1. Wear safety glasses or goggles while performing the experiments.

2. Organic compounds are much more rapidly absorbed through the skin when they are in solution, particularly in water-soluble solvents such as acetone and ethanol. For this reason, do not rinse organic materials off your skin with solvents such as acetone; wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water instead.

3. Do not use a burner in these procedures unless instructed to do so. Most solvents used for recrystallization are flammable (Table 3.1).

4. When using a hot plate, do not set it at its highest value. A moderate setting will prevent overheating and the resultant bumping and splashing of materials from the flask. Do not employ hot plates for heating volatile or flammable solvents; rather, use a steam bath.

5. Do not inhale solvent vapors. If a hood is not available to you, clamp an inverted funnel just above the Erlenmeyer flask in which you will be heating solvents. Attach this funnel to a source of vacuum by means of rubber tubing (Fig. 2.71b).

6. Never add decolorizing carbon to a boiling solution; doing so may cause the solution to boil out of the flask. Add the carbon only when the temperature of the solvent is below the boiling temperature. This same precaution applies when using a filter-aid to assist in the removal of the carbon during the hot filtration step.

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Precautions required

The experiment must be performed by wearing the safety glasses so as avoid any damage, in case of splash, to your eyes.
In case you skin comes in contact with Organic compounds, you must wash your skin area continuously i.e. rinse it thoroughly. In no case you should use acetone or ethanol to wash your skin which are irritating and may damage your skin.
For re-crystallization, you need to dissolve the compound is hot solvent. This hot solvent must be created by using water bath and not the burner. Most of the organic solvents used are highly flammable and can start fire. Thus avoid this accident by using hot baths and not flame.
Even when hot plate is used the temperature is set to the moderate value such that in case the solvent bumps over, the temperature should be below flash point and may start the fire.
The vapor arising out of heating the solvent should not be inhaled and the experiment should be performed in a hood. In case there is no fume hood use an inverted funnel above the flask/beaker to minimize the inhalation of vapor
Try not to add any type of carbon in boiling solution to decolorize it. This may cause spilling of chemicals. In case you need to add some carbon, it needs to added earlier when the solution is either luke warm of cold and during filtration also the solution must be warm of cold.

These precautions will help you be safe while experimenting.



It is a technique to purify the material by creating crystals out of the impure substances by dissolving it in an appropriate solvent.


Hence the purpose of this experiment is to grow crystals to make it pure.

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