True or false? If a theory is disproven, then all of the observations that support that theory are also disproven. Explain.

True or false? If a theory is disproven, then all of the observations that support that theory are also disproven. Explain.

November 28, 2021

True or false? If a theory is disproven, then all of the observations that support that theory are also disproven. Explain.

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Science deals with the study and analysis of different types of information. To resolve a scientific problem, the facts related to the problem are identified and studied.

The information and data gathered from the recognition of the problem is called observation. The collection of all the possible explanations to explain an observation is termed a hypothesis. Out of all the possible hypotheses, the one that succeeds in explaining the different types of observations is converted into a theory or model. This step requires a sequence of actions to be performed to prove the authenticity of the explanation. These actions are collectively referred to as experiments. Once a theory has been well tested, it becomes a law. The different perceptions which are incorporated to explain the changes in an original theory is known as the prediction. If the results of the experiment favor the predictions, the respective theory is modified which is known as the refined theory. The entire procedure from making observations to formulating theories is referred to as the scientific method.

The given statement is false. Theories are consistently modified as more and more information is acquired by performing experiments. Different scientists possess different interpretations or models to explain the same observations. If the original theory is proved wrong, the observations which are used to explain that theory are not proven false. This is because theories are defined as the interpretation that successfully explains the different types of observations. It implies that the previous observations are again analyzed by performing experiments. This results in some new observations and predictions which are then used to refine the original theory. The results of the experiments further help in predicting whether the previous observations are correct or not.

For instance, in the formation of the periodic table, different scientists have given their own interpretations and their own models to illustrate the arrangement of the atoms but all the observations stated by the scientists were still taken into consideration while designing a better model.

Verified Answer
The given statement is false. If the original theory is proved wrong, the observations which are used to explain that theory are not proven false. This is because theories are defined as the interpretation that successfully explains the different types of observations. It implies that the previous observations are again analyzed by performing experiments. This results in some new observations and predictions which are then used to refine the original theory. The results of the experiments further helps in predicting whether the previous observations are correct or not.

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