What are some injunctions you heard and accepted as a child? Do you hear those messages in your head now? Are these injunctions still operative in your life today?

What are some injunctions you heard and accepted as a child? Do you hear those messages in your head now? Are these injunctions still operative in your life today?

October 16, 2021

What are some injunctions you heard and accepted as a child? Do you hear those messages in your head now? Are these injunctions still operative in your life today?

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Injunctions are restrictions or derogatory orders from a parent (often beyond their awareness) that come from the parents' Child ego state (the frightened or angry Child ego state) (the scared or angry Child ego state). They are expressions of dissatisfaction, anger, anxiety, and dissatisfaction which come out of the parent's own pain.
when I was a child I also go through the Injunctions which are parental messages which tell me as a child what not to do. These convictions are the "must" convictions that I possess regarding things on earth. Some orders were good and beneficial while others become limited convictions which can sabotage our relationships and our priorities in life.

In my brain at this age, I can remember some of my child's instructions because they were important to understand.

These injunctions are still operational in my life today in some conditions.

Injunctions are restrictions or derogatory orders from a parent often beyond their awareness ,that come from the parents' Child ego state (the frightened or angry Child ego state). They are expressions of dissatisfaction, anger, anxiety and dissatisfaction which come out of the parent's own pain.

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