What are some of the factors in the psychological core that affect consumer decisions and behavior?

What are some of the factors in the psychological core that affect consumer decisions and behavior?

December 19, 2020

What are some of the factors in the psychological core that affect consumer decisions and behavior?


Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

What are some of the factors in the psychological core that affect consumer decisions and behavior?


The needs of the consumer motivate him to satisfy them and seek satisfaction. Perception acts as a driving force in influencing the decisions of the consumer. For example, Brand A is considered as a premium brand in smartphones.  Learning is of two types. In conditional learning, an individual is given exposure to the same situation while in cognitive learning, all the factors are applied. The attitude and beliefs which are formed also affect the purchase decision of a consumer.

Verified Answer

Factors in the psychological core which acts as a driving force in consumers decision and behaviour are:
Motivation: Buying behaviour of a consumer is influenced by the level of motivation.
Perception: The image formed by the consumer of a particular product influences his buying decision.
Learning: It is influenced by intention,knowledge and skills.
Attitude and Beliefs: The purchase decision of individuals is also influenced by beliefs and attitudes towards a particular product.

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