What are the basic principles of the cognitive-behavioral theory? Apply this theory to an intervention designed to improve calcium intakes in adolescent girls.

What are the basic principles of the cognitive-behavioral theory? Apply this theory to an intervention designed to improve calcium intakes in adolescent girls.

January 8, 2021

What are the basic principles of the cognitive-behavioral theory? Apply this theory to an intervention designed to improve calcium intakes in adolescent girls.

Answer and ExplanationSolution by a verified expert

Here is a tip:
Cognitive behavioral therapy can prove useful for individuals who want to experience a change at the level of thoughts.
The theory states that subjects spontaneously support a certain behavior in the presence of cognitive affirmations. Such cognitive affirmations can come from a realization of repeated desired outcomes associated to the concerned behavior on multiple occasions. Behavioral changes can prevent many diseases. For instance, ailments related to lifestyle.
Calcium intake is a critical biological requirement for young females. Following the successful implementation of cognitive-behavioral therapy, a good dietary regime can be inculcated in a community of such girls. A positive change in behavior with respect to appropriate consumption of calcium-rich supplements, backed by logical notions, can bring about a restoration of strong health among girls in the long run, which will be devoid of any inputs from external resources.
Verified Answer
Behavioral changes can be effective in averting harmful situations. For instance, obesity, dietary regime, cardiovascular diseases, and ailments related to diabetes. The theory suggests that this approach is successful when an individual is willing to bring about a change. A cognitive accord strengthens the pursuit of a specific behavior.
The theory can be extremely useful if girls are made aware about the necessity of appropriate calcium intake and are inducted into a systematic batch-program to implement a regime that will actualize proper calcium intake. Educating people leads them to the right level of cognitive understanding. Logical thoughts follow behavior diligently.

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